Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Simple Six

Tomorrow is the writing prompt for ISTEP. When writing, students are asked to think about the Simple Six rubric. This rubric is used to score each prompt (one point is earned for each component included):

1. Stick to the topic: Writing sticks to the topic and does not run away with other ideas. Writing addresses all the questions presented in the prompt.

2. Logical order: Thoughts are presented in logical order with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Transitions such as “first, next, then, and finally” are used. Writing follows order of events suggested by prompt.

3. Interesting words: Uses sophisticated or challenging vocabulary. Writer takes advantage of opportunities to go back and insert interesting words. Uses strong adjectives and precise verbs.

4. Different sentence patterns: Uses a variety of sentence types – does not sound like a list. Includes questions when appropriate. Uses commas in series. Uses exclamations if appropriate.

5. Description and details: Paragraphs have topic sentences with supporting details. The senses are used to help the reader feel what the writer is trying to say.

6. Audience: Writing is original, lively, personal, and appropriate for the audience.

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